Angry Donut Benjamin (published 8/6/2022)
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In July 2022 Benjamin had GI statis (he stopped eating). It's very serious if your rabbit stops eating, so it's important to get to a rabbit-savvy vet ASAP. The Bunny Lady has a good article explaining more about GI Stasis and what to do if it happens to your rabbit.
I had to take Benjamin to the pet hospital, where he stayed overnight. Benjamin had stasis a couple times before, but the vets couldn't figure out any underlying cause. I was worried this time because Benjamin was 7 already, which is considered a senior rabbit. Luckily after getting fluids and some meds, he was able to come home the next day.
While he was at the pet hospital, they sent me this photo of him wearing this yellow donut. Once he was all better, I drew Angry Donut Benjamin.
They had to shave off part of his arm fur to put the IV so he looked a little funny for a month.