Detective Flopsy and the case of the green juice (published 7/16/2022)
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This Detective Flopsy comic was inspired entirely by MooCow, the messiest veggie eater I've ever seen. He leaves puddles of vegetable juice all over the ground. His mouth is all green and wet. Sometimes he'll shake it off and spray veggie juice on everything and everyone nearby. It's very peculiar because all our other rabbits do not do this when they eat their veggies. It's fine, after every meal "the cleanup crew" (me) comes by with a paper towel to clean up.
At this point I didn't really make standard comics so this one is rather long vertically. Eventually I figured out it would be smart to make a comic template with the boxes and now I pretty much stick to using a 3 or 4-panel template.
Enjoy this picture of MooCow with his green veggie mouth!